Pictures from Charter for Compassion event in Amsterdam

Here's just one example of a thrilling Charter for Compassion event. We're hearing of similar all over the world.  

If you haven't done so, please add your name here  (by clicking the 'Affirm' button). Better yet, consider organizing your own event to celebrate the Charter and spread compassion! 

Everhard Mulder writes:
Last Thursday was the launch of the Charter for Compassion in Amsterdam's Mozes and Aäronchurch.
It was a great event: about 400 people were present in the morning, and around 230 people stayed in the afternoon to participate in two of the fourteen workshops.

Opening with Japanese Drums!

About 400 people in the Mozes and Aäronchurch

The Japanese Drums

The Church was nearly full!

Even Karen Armstrong was present by a video-message.

Monica Neomagus says welcome to everybody.
Job Cohen, mayor of Amsterdam, Monica Neomagus, Cor Bon (director Mozeshuis) Herman Wijffels, Awraham Soetendorp and his wife.

Job Cohen during his speech.

Glenn de Winter and Mohs wrote and performed the first rap about Compassion!

In the presence of children, Awraham Soetendorp launches the Charter for Compassion

Students of the Hogeschool Amsterdam gave everybody a present and the text of the Charter for Compassion

Tariq Ramadan during his speech.

Herman Wijffels about Compassion and economy.

In the afternoon: 14 workshops. Here you see people discussing with each other about “What is Compassion”?

Funda Mündje, a Turkish comedian, ended the day.

Everhard, kudos to you and the other organizers. We're amazed at what you achieved here.