YouTube commenters let rip on TED-Ed!

When TED Talks first launched in 2006, it took more than 4 months for us to rack up our first million views. TED-Ed, which launched on YouTube last Monday, did the same in just one week. That's certainly exciting, but of course the TED brand is far better known now than six years ago. Numbers are only part of the story.

The biggest single factor on which I judge if something is going to take off is the tone of responses to it.  Like vs LOVE!  It's really only the latter that gives you a chance of viral lift-off. (It's fine to have critics... just so long as there's an audience who responds with real passion!)  Our goal was to spark curiosity... to make learning fun. Teachers we showed the material to seemed excited. But what about learners themselves?

I've been on tenterhooks this past week watching the comments come in. YouTube comments don't always make for comfortable reading. But to our delight, the YouTube hordes began offering up some gems. Real beauties. Here are a few of them... selected from comment streams to several of the TED-Ed videos posted.  Promising, right?

(click on right-hand arrow to advance to next comment)

At the same time, we've had more than a thousand teachers and animators offering to help create new videos.  And plans for part 2 of our launch (which will bring TED-Ed to in a surprising way) are nearing completion. Can't wait to launch this next month!