More #TWISIs

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RT @azratek Those who repeat history are doomed to forget it. #TWISI

RT @monedays In today's world, I believe being a leader makes for great management. Managers who do not lead are vulnerable. #TWISI

RT @jackiegerstein Good tweets like good quotes are soundbites of wisdom. #TWISI

RT @kmangalam There is no such thing as a free lunch or a free market. #TWISI

RT @kmangalam Economics is greed made mathematical. #TWISI

RT @TagClub Claw for your Humanity, then redefine it. Prove you're alive or you aren't. #TWISI

RT @thenightbird You are how you drive - what can we share if we can't share the road. #TWISI

RT @SimonEdhouse BE AUTHENTIC (ref: all def'ns of 'integrity') ...strong moral principles+ consistency/lack of corruption in electronic data. #TWISI

RT @Thehoofer Technology can breed isolation, but the most successful advances are those that augment live interaction. #TWISI

RT @rapunzels_tears Focusing on similarity may bring peace but it stagnates. Desirable societal change also needs people to understand&embrace difference. #TWISI

RT @eaboyeji There is nothing wrong with a child soldier who has the right weapons: education ! #TWISI

RT @bjsebeck A little stress is a good thing. It's what kept our ancestors from getting eaten by dinosaurs. #TWISI

RT @eaboyeji  Dere r 2 kinds of child soldiers. Dose hu fight w EPK's & AK 47's and dose hu fight with E=MC2 and HIST

RT @fedecasas Que pasaría si lo pierdes todo? Si tu respuesta no incluye la muerte, entonces arriesgalo todo. #TWISI

RT @javiaven If it’s being sold out of someone’s car trunk, walk away. #TWISI

RT @joeltalks Fuck platitudes. Do something. #TWISI

RT @behaviorgeek The answers are in front of us. The environment affects our behavior. Embrace it understand it and make a change. #TWISI

RT @brainpicker  The biggest roadblock to innovation is that we keep looking left and right for reassurance, rather than forward for leaping ground. #TWISI

RT @dalka Do people understand that search will always have more relevancy than social media?#TWISI

RT @TEDJohnMark Re-amalgamation and fusion of education and entertainment with technology using Telepresence. #TWISI

RT @eaboyeji A truly free market is impossible without a genuinely free people. #TWISI

RT @stemcat5 How we think about our origin is important: #TWISI

RT @Thandelike Societal taboos meant to protect us from unspeakable or unimaginable acts only help hide what happens before our eyes.  #TWISI

RT @chrisarsenault When an entrepreneur looks confident enough... he can pull anything off! #TWISI

RT @Moodstep  It's good to live in a time where spirit is lifting from crisis and destruction. Let's be and enjoy the change. #TWISI

RT @ImageDistillery Few things are more unsettling than the lack of thought some give to words which they put forward as proof or reason. #TWISI

RT @doctorzen Knowledge is better than ignorance. #TWISI

RT @rpontremoli: If everybody had great sex, all wars would be over. #TWISI

RT @BGlad I am looking forward to reading my tweets in the future and thinking how naive I was. #TWISI

RT @darkshdwstlkr When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. #TWISI 

RT@kellbags As Neal Donald Walsh noted, in the history on mankind more people have died in the name of god than any other reason. Ironic , no? #TWISI

RT @Lisa Merlini: The victory of ideology will be the downfall of us all. Our survival depends on the pragmatists, the optimists and the visionaries. #TWISI

RT @TEDChris Our species’ survival depends on how fast we embrace the moral shift from “patriot” to “global citizen.” #TWISI
5 responses
RT @redstarvip Education Begins at Home - #twisi
"Claw for your Humanity, then redefine it. Prove you're alive or you aren't." - Retweeted
I enjoyed following the whole entry, I always thought one of the main things to count when you write a blog is learning how to complement the ideas with viagra online pharmacy images, that's exploiting at the maximum the possibilities of a ciber-space! Good work on this entry!
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. <-- I love this one. With the way the world is right now, if more people loved rather than let power and greed overcome them we would be living in a world of peace! Thank you for the great sayings.