Pakistan flood story #4: What was recreation becomes a lifesaver

The flooded regions of Daddu and Shikarpur are among the most difficult areas for aid and relief workers to reach. The terrain is almost impassable.

But this coming Friday -- September 3 -- Faisal Kapadia and Awab Alvi, having received urgent calls for help from there, will embark on a mission to deliver food and supplies.

How is this possible? Faisal and Awab have the machines and skills to make an impossible trip possible -- Jeeps.

Ardent off-roaders, just a few weeks ago neither imagined using their cars and off-roading skills to save lives and bring supplies to such areas.

"We never thought of that," Kapadia said. "But when you see things happen like this, you can't just sit on the side and watch thousands of people die."

Along with members of their unofficial club, Offroaders Pakistan, they have been working to deliver aid to regions others have not been able to reach.

The club was formed to encourage people to learn about and explore the natural beauty of Pakistan. Most of the club members have rebuilt their own Jeeps and are able to fix almost any problem. They're prepared with spare axles, driveshaft crosses, bearings -- along with supplies for those stranded and in desperate need.

They have delivered a week's worth of food rations to over 22,000 people, ready-to-eat meals for one person to 25,000, and shelter for 285 families in the form of durable tents that house up to eight people

They have raised over $24,000 USD online, and more than triple that figure offline. All of this is going to the flood victims and being delivered to them by the Offroader's own hands.


Adapted from a story sent by Faisal Kapadia, an Entrepreneur, Writer, Blogger based in Karachi, Pakistan.

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If you have a story from the Pakistan floods, please email it to (Pakistan floods: the stories we're not being told

Trusted organizations to support listed here:

(posted by Jane Wulf)

7 responses
Look at the joy on the face of this girl. :') Awesome. Keep up the work guys!
Well done guys!
Good Work indeed... thats a feel good story.. the joyful face of the little girl is such a balm in these dreadful times ..thankyou.
God has given them strength and will to do this. May God bless these untiring off roaders in His own way. I know this group very well. I would also like to mention the work done in background by those who do not go on the distribution trips but work day and night in the Spirit of Florence Nightingale. Hats off to them too - especially the ladies.
Perhaps Allah is keeping Pakistan because of such good people there God bless and keep doing good and helping humanity.
Hey great information! I like this post 'cause is just what I was looking for so please keep sharing things like this and keep up the good work.
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