Pendulum paintings of Tom Shannon

I'm a huge fan of sculptor & painter Tom Shannon, a gentle genius who turns science into art and art into science.  We just posted today his 2003 TED talk showing his gorgeous science-inspired sculptures and his vision for the Air Genie video airship.  In the last few months he has returned to a form of painting he invented more than 20 years ago.  He created a mechanized paint dispenser that is suspended on a giant pendulum over a canvas on the floor.   Tom sets the pendulum in motion, typically on an oval pathway, and then uses a remote control device to select with careful precision which paints are streamed onto the canvas and in what quantity.  

At his Manhattan studio the other evening, I watched him in action.  The results are spectacular. He's given me permission to share some of these images, none of which are up on his site yet.  They are to be the subject of an exhibition in New York later this year. (Watch this space).

5 responses
Simply beautiful - I especially like the second piece.
Absolutely stunning, this intersection of art and scientific method. In a way, Shannon's technique – explicitly applying a systematic and mechanized process to produce art – is almost the antithesis to Jackson Pollock's, which seems to be implicitly and somewhat mysteriously influenced by the scientific method of the natural world. Case in point: This fascinating (PDF) piece from Scientific American subjecting Jackson Pollock's art to computer analysis revealing striking similarity to fractal patterns from nature: (Courtesy of TED Fellow @seanprestonscott.)

Any idea where and how one could find out the timing and specifics of Shannon's New York exhibition? No word on his site.

I'll blog and tweet the exhib when details are confirmed. Interesting Scientific American article, thanks!
Looks Chaos but it is not.