TWISI - here's how

TWISI = "The Way I See It". Viral wisdom on Twitter

- quote or vote and you might win one of these

If you want to take part in this fun Twitter experiment, here's how:

1) Go to this page which shows how Twitterers are submitting TWISI quotes in real time. You can sort by date, or number of votes.

2) If you see one you like, vote for it, or, better yet, retweet it. You can do that right from that page. (As well as spreading wisdom, you may end up winning a free T-shirt bearing that TWISI)  If you retweet, make sure you use this format:  
RT @TwisiAuthorName  Quote-quote-quote.  #TWISI    
If that breaks the 140-character limit, edit the quote. (It means the author didn't read the next piece of advice!)

3) If you have your own TWISI, just tweet away, making sure:
- you add the #TWISI tag
- you leave at least 20 characters spare so that people can retweet it without having to edit it.

4) It's OK to use a favorite quote from someone else PROVIDED you credit the author in the TWISI.  (Unattributed rip-off quotes won't win, and yes they will get googled before the prizes are given!.)

btw, REMO is a company run by long-time TEDster Remo Giuffre. It's famous for innovative design, web innovation, community building and great customer service. Remo liked the TWISI experiment and offered to put up this page as a favor to nudge it along.

As for me... I'm just intrigued by which ideas spread, and whether Twitter can play a role.  Can it?  Certainly some of the TWISIs submitted are a little underwhelming. But others are truly delightful or insightful.   Help the good ones bubble up!!  Or write your own!   

P.S. This experiment was sparked by a Starbucks program of printing quotes on their cups that has recently been discontinued. They tell me they like the TWISI idea, however, and may well step in with their own publicity for the best TWISI quotes.  More background here.  

9 responses
I posted a quote the day the #TWISI started and now I see that my quote is in the top 10, but the credit is given to some guy who posted it as his own!
The cad! I'm sure Remo will read this and restore justice. One nice thing about Twitter: there's a trail. (more like, someone meant to retweet you but it went wrong).
Help me teach our kids. Look around. They may need it.

RT @journik: Bring back old old school school #TWISI

Federico ... justice has been done and your quote is now ranking up there on the leader board. R
Don't want to take business away from the T-shirt company listed above (TEDsters FTW!) but another way to get #TWISIs printed is on the newly started TwitterTees by Threadless (they are an awesome company)
Can't see my #TWISI Tweet. Boo Hoo. :-/
Internet is back in Iran,ppl get access to twitter & FB, there's no suspicious in this. Most ppl know abt proxy anyway
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