#TWISI: The Way I See It...

This was my Starbucks moment. Allegedly 5m of these were manufactured  -- but I guess it takes more than coffee cup slogans to change the world.   It occurs to me that quotes like these could work quite well on Twitter. For one thing they're short enough, for another #TWISI (short for The Way I See It) is a natural Twitter tag.  

Anyone have one to offer? (Does not have to be as earnest as the above! Funny, insightful, punchy... all good.)  If we can get five decent ones, we'll unleash them on Twitter...  ...and maybe @Starbucks will join the fun.  It's a little Twitter version of "ideas worth spreading".  Limit suggestions to about 100 characters to allow for tag and retweeting.  You could also link to a longer post elsewhere, but the core quote needs to be strong!

52 responses
Shouldn't the true value of a home be measured by the happiness and security it brings instead of its size and cost?
Twisi, History can only teach those willing to learn. until we acknowledge our mistakes, they will continue to repeat themselves.
How much global waste do you think was created by your 5m cups? Counting the slaves that made the coffee, the rainforest that was chopped down, and the cups that were thrown away?
I'm not going to try sound all intellectual and complex,we are all equal and when we finally stop trying to outdo one another we will realise our responsibility to look after all life and this planet.
When humans learn to love the earth, animals, and others and only take what we really need, we will prosper and survive
I'm not going to try sound all intellectual and complex,we are all equal and when we finally stop trying to outdo one another we will realise our responsibility to look after all life and this planet.

Read more: "#TWISI: The Way I See It... - TEDChris: The untweetable" - http://tedchris.posterous.com/twisi-the-way-i-see-it#ixzz0Em5rgTRk&A

Yeah..the two above are both from me...just making sure I get the message accross ;) and why not while I'm at it add it to my twitter page!lol
@JohnStaedler Well, about the same as if the comment hadn't been printed on them, I guess. I'm guessing Starbucks didn't make them just for me...
Congrats, Chris – you clearly don't take your cultural insight decaf.

Okay, I've got two – a serious one, and a play on yours I just couldn't resist.

TWIS #97 "The biggest roadblock to innovation is that we keep looking left and right for reassurance, rather than forward for leaping ground."

TWIS #96 "Our species' survival depends on how fast we embrace each other."

"Systematise the symptoms of Love; if you can't make it, fake it"
Hope is believing in spite of the evidence, and then watching the evidence change!
Actually my real TWISI is "Systematise the symptoms of Love; Fake it until you make it"

I just the small amount of sexual inuendo was funnier.

If you are going to retweet I actually relate to the latter.


These are great... Thanks, Greg. Double thanks, Maria. Thanks, Techdom. Thanks, Jackie. Kind-of-thanks, John. Thanks, NotmyProphit and thanks, Michael. Go ahead and tweet your twisi ! I'll retweet it when I see it. Make sure to add the #twisi tag. (+ there are already a lot more out there.)
Please do this. Do a search for #twisi on twitter (or click here: http://is.gd/xlCM ) If you see one you like, retweet it.

Hey, it's only an experiment, but why not?

The key to meaning & happiness is simple. Build good relationships, and give away 10% of what you earn to whatever you think is important.
A little stress is a good thing. It's what kept our ancestors from getting eaten by dinosaurs.
Success shouldn't be about anything but what impact you've made on someone's life #twisi
There is no such thing as failure. You either succeed, or you learn.
A little bit of decadence never hurt anyone. #TWISI
Fear paralyzes you. Act as if you had nothing to lose and you'll defeat it every single time.
Claw for your Humanity, then redefine it. Prove you're alive or you aren't.
You fail when you quit trying.
The victory of ideology will be the downfall of us all. Our survival depends on the pragmatists, the optimists and the visionaries. So hand over the reins -- we've got work to do.
It's not fun unless you're wearing bunny slippers.
How we think about our origin is important: http://tinyurl.com/c3msdh
Self discovery leads to world improvement
Societal taboos meant to protect us from unspeakable or unimaginable acts only help hide what happens before our eyes.
And we will become global citizens by apreciating diversity and distancing ourselves from our opinions. Our believes are molded by our life path, it is not a truth we have to impose to ohers.
Great initiative from Starbuck :)
Hm, a podcast seems to use the #twis hashtag a lot. Should we tag something more specific to our experiment here? Maybe #twisTED. Haha.
They're TWIS, we're TWISI... it's fine! OK, compiling a list. There are more than 170 out there... and counting.
the more things change, the more they stay insane.
Another "D'oh!" moment for Maria... #TWISI it is.

@bjsebeck: Brilliance in truth. Right on.

#twisi Fuck platitudes. Do something.
keep it up chris! great idea
The foundation of "In God we trust" printed on dollar bill is :
we have learned to spell our name god with no capital while we re learned to spell his name God with a capital
Education Begins at Home - #twisi
At any given time, we can choose to spread more enthusiasm or more fear. What will you spread today? #TWISI
Discard Nothing Useful - #twisi
Obstacles Develop Strength - #twisi
I have come to realize that people with two seemingly adverse opinions could both be correct
The way I see it: you can be both a patriot and a good global citizen. For example, being a good global citizen is strong current in Canadian patriotism - it is what most Canadians consider a moral, and patriotic, responsibility - and it doesn't seem like an oxymoron in the slightest.

Not every country's sense of national pride can be generalized to American patriotism/cosmpolitanism cultural divides - which a good global citizen should acknowledge.

We can be good global citizens and appreciate and value our own cultural heritage, along with appreciating the innovations that can arise from a mashup of international cultures.

A disaster plan on the shelf proves response readiness, like a gym bag in the trunk proves physical fitness. @MsDuctTape #TWISI
Whether you think you can or your think you can't, you're right. #TWISI
# TWISI: Not now. Right now.
The only limitations in life are the ones we put on ourselves.
Gardens, children and fledgling democracies all require cultivation, optimism, and hardest of all, patience.
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